Monday, September 28, 2009


to my niece who is off to university in Australia. I pray she is met with such opportunity to grow & learn & explore, that she meets with a soft place to land..... She truly is a remarkable young woman. And so it is with a heartfelt farewell, (not goodbye, goodbyes are altogether too hard) that I embrace my niece...... off to a far away land. God be with her.

Monday, September 21, 2009

gratitude community

holy experience

God's daily graces,
everyday epiphanies,
His boundless love ....

  1. showers of autumn leaves
  2. hot cups of tea
  3. watching little hands knit....sheer delight
  4. fresh linen on my bed
  5. morning glory muffins
  6. hot baths
  7. Ann ~ 93 yrs, bright blue twinkly eyes, ever present smile. Woman of faith, how I look to you
  8. God's grace
  9. my children sleeping peacefully, tucked up warmly in bed. Bliss....
  10. my bible study group

'You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.' Psalm 23:5

Friday, September 18, 2009

summer reflections.....

The leaves are turning, there's a bite in the morning air, summer wanes...ho~hum.
My hope is to create a place for rest & reflection, for thought & ideas, a celebration of home, family, faith & creativity in all its forms.
Let's share the journey together....
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